Wednesday, January 19, 2011

So it begins... or did it already?

For quite some time now, I have been told by several close friends (one in particular) to start a blog. So many of my mornings are spent telling those who will listen of my ridiculous adventures from the night before. The idea all started in April of 2010 after re-living with a friend what may be my most entertaining experience. You see, I am from a small German-Catholic community in North Central Texas. Ah yes, Muenster, Texas is the dot on the map I call home. Technically I grew up in the countryside outside of the town, near a very small community called Myra. I only claim to be Myranian when I have clearly embarrassed myself. Hum um.... but back to Muenster. A town of about 1600 people, give or take a few new families, Muenster is a very tight knit and great community to be a part of. We are very proud of our culture and heritage. As the local businesses like to say, it is where Texas hospitality and German customs meet. From the Germanesque architectural features that line Main Street to the Texas flags and Texan slogans that adorn the monstrous trucks that line Main Street, visitors are fast to learn this facet of Muenster's character. These examples can be found in everyday life in Muenster. However, there is an event that occurs once every year in Muenster that serves as a culmination of all that is Muenster:

Yes... Germanfest!  A three day event that adds traditional German cuisine, a Fun Run, Bicycle Rally, Texas country music, Polka music, and a Semi Trailer (yes a Semi Tralier) of keg beer into the blender of ultimate good times. Since I was a child I have attended Germanfest, with fond memories. But as I realized last Germanfest, in April of 2010, some of the fondest memories I will have of Germanfest are the ones I will never remember. You see, it was only the second Fest for which I was of legal drinking age, and at the request of a close friend of mine, GB, I decided to wear a lederhosen. Now it was not the typical lederhosen often seen at the Fest... you gain free entry when dressed in custom German attire. It was a rental from a costume shop; a rental that would not be returned. It was not a vintage outfit borrowed from the closet of a Great-Uncle or found in the attic of a elder relative. It was a Hansel Halloween costume, but a lederhosen none-the-less. It was this lederhosen and this three day weekend at the Fest that would birth the Bavarian Beast. on the first night of the Fest, things were fairly calm. A great BBQ in a friend's backyard followed by a venture into the park for the Fest. A great night with lots of laughs, but a calm one with respect to the rest of the weekend. Saturday was the day the Beast made his presence known. It started with a visit to Grandma's to pick up the Cousins and change:

Then it was off to meet up with the Fam at the Fest:

As is evident in the pic, I had my fair share of drinks, and it was only early afternoon. But it was Germanfest after-all and I was in a lederhosen. Plus, the patrons of the Fest felt the obligation to give me free beer tickets due to my attire, which it would be disrespectful to refuse. So I drank... and drank... and drank... and soon I had reached the point that my friends from "It's Always Sunny" refer to as the brown out point. Not quite blacked out and still able to piece some images together to form somewhat of a memory. I remember cracking up with the women who work with my mom at her store, Girlfriends Boutique, making some borderline inappropriate comments about the grandma of a classmate and friend of mine, and somehow making it to the dance floor to get my groove on. Then came closing time... and the parts that get really blurry. I was escorted to the house of some family friends by my sister where a happenin party had commenced. My time there was fun, yet has no time frame in my mind. After that, I have only brief moments of clarity. An image of myself at another friend's shop, an image of myself dragging a cooler from my mom's shop on Main Street to the camping/cooking grounds where I helped myself to a brisket and mustard sandwich at another friend's camper (they were all asleep). I then walked back to what I thought was the house party I had been to previsouly only to end up in their neighbors yard where a crowd of younger kids had gathered to drink into the mid hours of the morning. It was here that I reached black out status.

The next morning, around 8 am, I awoke in the bushes that lay in the front of the Dentist's estate. Yes... I somehow passed out in the bushes in front of Bud Graham's (a Dentist in Muenster) house. I was freezing, I was wearing the same clothes I had worn the two previous days, and I was covered in mustard stains from the brisket sandwich, Shiner stains from the obvious plentiful beers I had consumed, and blood stains from the thorns that apparently thrive in the bushes in front of Dentists' houses. Cold, cut, stained and defeated, I called and called until I reached the friend who lived the closest and begged for entry into her house, where I then proceeded to sleep on an all white leather couch, much to the surprise and entertainment of her parents who had no need to turn on the television with breakfast that morning. After getting some much needed rest indoors, I ventured back to the Fest to discover the missing pieces of my collective memory from the weekend, and yes, to have a few beers. It was an insane weekend full of memories I can't even remember, and it was the culmination of several actions and environmental factors that birthed what has become know as the Bavarian Beast: my alter ego; my excuse for my actions that weekend. Thus was born the idea for this blog.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Ryan... I love it so much! Can't wait to read more stories...
